Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Synaesthesia - Some people can paint music in their heads

I remember seeing the first "Diary of Kanye West" on MTV a few years back. They visited his mother in his old childhood home and it turns out that Kanye West was actually an fine art student in college. His mother, who has now sadly passed away, showed paintings that looked like landscapes of psychedelic colours. The compositions were explained by Kanye as beats. He pointed out the snares and the claps and the bass drums and it just made sense to me, how some musical geniuses can see music. Mr. West gets a lot of bad rep because of his "ignorance" or lack of interview skills, but he is in my opinion one of the artists and producers who actually made hip hop something that anyone can relate to, its about life, not just being a gangsta. Check these videos out from the studio with Kanye producing tracks!